Friday, 21 March 2014

They can't get any cuter!

Firstly I would like start by saying a huge congratulations (even though they don't know me and will probably never see this) to Tom Fletcher and his beautiful wife Giovanna Fletcher on the birth of their son, Buzz!

Now to the point, well, I was a little bored on my lunch hour so I thought I would have a little nosey on Youtube. I am subscribed to Tom Fletcher (the guy from McFly), and this popped up on my home page, the 'What to Watch' bit. I thought it was so cute and such a lovely idea that they have come up with. I have always wanted to do the taking pictures everyday thing when I get pregnant (in the distant future) to record the bump, think I now need to make Jase learn how to sing and play guitar ready to make one of these!

These two are the cutest couple I have ever seen and you can just see them lasting a lifetime. Their little son is going to be so lucky to have parents that are quite clearly so in love.

This is there video they did last year around Halloween to announce they're special baby news! So creative and well thought of.

And then this one was his wedding speech when they got married! I literally cry at this one every time! I will be utterly disappointed if this isn't the case on my wedding day.

I think they are both so clever and talented to be able to come up with such lovely little videos and songs! It makes me jealous that I didn't come up with the idea first!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Another Week of Instagram

Lets take a peek at my Instagram! Strangely a lot more going on than my normal pictures of Daisy sleeping.

My favourite! 

Daisy using Jase as a pillow  |  Daisy sleeping (surprise)  |  more Daisy cuddles  |  My amazing slimming world fry up!  |  Selfies: Laura  |  Selfies: Louis  |  Selfies: Jake  |  Selfies: Drew  |  Drunk Selfie!  |  Walkies with Lily and Daisy  |  My friends little boy in the outfit I got him  |  Relationship Philosophy

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The First Kiss...

Hey Guys!
I have already done a little post today but when I was casually surfing the web, I came across this. I absolutely love it! What a genius idea! I had to share it with you all.

The 3 minute clip is presented by Wren Studio. Its a little clip showing what happened when they ask 20 complete strangers to kiss. Now some of them are musicians and actors so it kind of comes easy. But it shows the awkward silences and giggles before they come together.

I think it is such a cute little clip and it had me giggling behind the computer screen! We all know how awkward the first kiss can be, who's going to lean in first? what type of kiss? A quick one or passionate one? 

I remember my first kiss with Jason, looking back it was so awkward and played. We was sat watching a film (Billy Elliot - to be precise) and he kept annoying me and kissing my neck and I was like "Stop it I'm watching the film" (*PLEASE CARRY ON!*). Then when I looked over/up at him he like kissed my nose (it wasn't much of a kiss, kind of like a suck?, haha I don't really know how to describe it) and then after a few seconds of just staring at each other, he moved in for the kiss. There you have it, I was a giggling little school girl after that!

Let me know what you think, and tell me all about your first kiss! ( I want all the goss!)

Holiday Kisses! - Sorry for the lovey dovey stuff!

A week of Instagram

Reviewing this past week of Instagram I can confirm that I take far to many pictures of Daisy, and she sleeps too much!

Love Quote  |  Daisy Sleeping  |  Daisy Cuddles  |  Daisy Sleeping  | and again Daisy Sleeping  |  Me & Jase at the Calling the Shots gig

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A little bit of inspiration!

A little bit of inspiration for your day! I liked these so I hope you do to.

Monday, 10 March 2014

1 Month of Blogging!

Today is my one month blog anniversary! Yayyyy! So I thought that I would do a kind of overview of how its all been.
What went through my mind one moth ago! Well I have been following Zoella's blog and youtube videos for about a year now, and I always loved reading her posts, and I thought 'You know what, I could do that!' I thought it would be lovely to have my own little corner of the internet where I could just be myself, no one would judge what I wrote or think I was silly. I could be myself and that could be whoever I wanted to be! Still to this day only one of my friends knows about my blog, because I like that its just me and my own little world. Whenever I used to go on twitter on my personal account I would be wary of what to tweet incase it was judged or someone thought it was silly, where as on my blog twitter I can put whatever I want. 

I never realised how big the blogging community was until I became apart of it. There are so many cool and different blogs out there! I love it when your just scanning around and you come across a really different blog, don't get me wrong I love the beauty and fashion blogs and they are always so helpful in knowing what products to buy or not to buy, etc... but I love coming across travel blogs, or DIY and cooking blogs! I think they're so different and there isn't that many of them. I also love the parent blogs, being able to scroll through all the pictures of the cute babies and even learning things ready for the future (far far far away future).

I also never realised how amazing the blogging community was, when I started out I wasn't really sure on quite a few things, I'm still not now, but all I had to do was ask the question and people would be commenting and helping me. Then when I joined in on my first (and only so far, I really must print the times on my hand or something) blogger chat it was great, so many people commenting to each other and helping each other out, it must be because were mainly all females and females do it best! But everyone is just so kind and helpful it's great. I think its like having a second little family!

I have been so lucky to gain 60 followers on twitter! Its not loads but it's enough, as long as I know people are reading my blogs and enjoying them then thats the main thing! I also reached 40 followers on bloglovin'! Im feeling the love! Although you guys need to start liking posts if you like them so I know what i'm doing right and wrong!

Well anyway so far my blogging experience has been amazing! I have been nominated for a Liebster award, I have done a guest post, I have gained some followers and I have met a couple of fellow blogging friends! Its been great, Im still enjoying it and still raring to go! 

Thank you everyone for your support and help so far! 

Much love 

Friday, 7 March 2014

Calling the Shots

Hey Guys! So Im a week late with this one!
Last Friday me and Jase went to our local pub to watch our friends band: Calling the Shots.

We really did not expect to hear what we did. They we're really really good! We had such a good night, they covered a few bands: including Greenday, Thin Lizzie, And Queen. My favourite song was Chelsea Dagger by the Frattellis who are a favourite of mine.

Iphones are really crappy in this lighting!

Here is a little video of 'The Boys are Back in Town' - This was there encore song!! Also please excuse my terrible filming.

With it being our favourite pub, we decided we was going to grab so grub while were there. Our favourite meals! Didn't even have to look at the menu! I forgot to take a picture of our starters though.

Yummy Food! 
It turned out to be a really good night and we will definitely be going to see them again. My score would be a good 8/10!

Iphones are crappy!

Monday, 3 March 2014

DIY Coloured Flowers

As I have told you in previous posts I have been decorating my bedroom, which still isn't finished! All the painting is now done, and everything is starting to go back in its place but I haven't yet managed to complete all the finishing touches. I haven't even ordered my new bedding or blind yet!

On Saturday I decided that it was time to get my head in gear and sort out some of my finishing touches. I scouted my mums little corner of wedding bits from July, (we made all our own table decorations etc, so we had lots of silk flowers left over that weren't used) I managed to find a bunch of white roses that were perfect for what I wanted to do.

I got out my paints, a couple of paint brushes and a bowl of water. To match the bedding that I want I had decided that I wanted a bunch of white, pink and blue flowers to sit in a glass milk bottle that I have. So I got to painting a couple of them blue and a couple pink.

I added a little bit of paint to the bowl of water so it was a bit more like a dye, and then using my brush I painted each petal. After I had gone around the whole flower which was now a pastel pink or blue, I wet my brush and dipped it into the paint, so the consistency was a little bit more thicker. I started form the bottom of each petal and did thick brush strokes up to the top. This created a nice realness to each petal with the different shades of pink/blue.

Once I had completed each of the flowers that I wanted to do I put them on my radiator to dry as they were very wet from all the water. While they were drying I started on another little flower piece I had gathered from the wedding bits. It was a garland of roses which each had a fairy light in the middle. I love fairy lights around my bed, and this was even nicer because they were roses. They were pale cream roses with hints of pink around the centre. To match my bed I decided to paint them pink. I didn't use too much water with these as I didn't want them to be a pastel pink I wanted them to be a more predominant pink that stood out.

Before and After

These roses were white originally painted to pink to go around the bottom of my bed.

Throughout the whole process Daisy decided that she was going to use me as a bed!

Friday, 28 February 2014

Blogger Interview: Meet Glitter and Cookies

Hey Guys!
So I've got something a little bit special for you to read today! The other day I was scrolling through twitter when I saw Alex from Glitter and Cookies, mentioning something about a collaboration, after replying back and fourth we both decided that we were both going to do a guest post on each others blog answering 20 questions that we both came up with.

I want to say a quick thank you to Alex for giving me the opportunity to do this, it's not something I have done before and it has been good fun answering the questions and getting to meet her. So thank you Alex!! 

If you want to read my guest blog then pop on over to Glitter and Cookies, but make sure you stay to find out all about the ever so sweet Alex.

Hello everyone! 
It’s Alex from Glitter and Cookies! Today my post is not on my own blog but on Jess’s lovely blog! We agreed to do a guest post on each other’s blog and came up with some questions. It was so much fun to think of the questions and answering them!

1. Why and when did you start blogging?
I spend so much time watching Youtube videos and for about two years I had been wanting to start my own channel as it seems so much fun, and also I wanted to share my ideas and experiences with someone who could appreciate me, because my friends aren’t into the same things as I am. But I was (and still am) too shy to start filming myself, so last January I finally started my blog instead, as I feel a lot more confident and also I love to write!

2. Where did you get the idea for your blog name?
I always have a hard time choosing names for things, so I was really struggling. I didn’t want to come up with a silly or pretentious name, I wanted something original. So I started focusing on what I was going to write about on my blog, and that’s how I came up with Glitter and Cookies. 

3. What is your blog about, and what inspires your posts?
My blog is still very new so maybe it doesn’t appear to have a good variety of all my subjects yet, but I want my blog to be about beauty, DIY such as jewellery and decoration, a bit of fashion and a bit of food, not elaborated recipes, but cute and easy desserts and quick meal ideas. 

4. Where did you get your idea/inspiration for the design of your blog? Is there a story behind it?
I really want my blog to look good because despite the saying that appearance isn’t important, it really is, and when it comes to things such as blogs it really makes a difference on how people perceive the blog as that’s what gives people the first impression. To be honest when I started my blog I picked a background I thought was cute and looks like glitters, is quite abstract and has a good colour palette with some pretty pinks. But I am working on a new design!

5. How often do you blog? Or plan to blog?
I don’t want to give myself a strict schedule like blogging every Tuesday and Friday for example, as I never have the same days off from work, and my shifts change all the time so I can’t plan when I’m going to blog. But I do keep a little notebook with scheduled posts and blog ideas, so when I am free I can just look at it and write. So far I am satisfied of how often I write. I wouldn’t want to write everyday as I am scared I would run out of ideas! 

6. Do you ever suffer from blog envy? Wishing your blog looked as good as someone else's? Or wishing you had thought of that name?
I wouldn’t say I have ever been envious of someone else’s blog, I’m quite proud of how my blog looks and its name. There are some blogs that look really professional, and although I’m not envious, I hope mine will look as good one day.

7. Do you prefer writing beauty blogs or lifestyle blogs?
I haven’t written a lifestyle blog yet, but I do like reading them, and it’s something I would consider doing. Maybe when I do something that is interesting enough lol!
I do enjoy my beauty blog posts, and I don’t only focus on make up, but all sorts of products, so I hope that what I write is helpful to someone in a more important way than the colour of a lipstick. For example I wrote about how I got rid of acne, and I really hope it’s useful to some people. 

8. Where do you see your blog in a year’s time?
I would love to have a big following and have a well established blog that people come back to because they like my writing style, enjoy reading it and consider my posts interesting, fun and useful. 

9. Who are your favourite bloggers? Blogs you read regularly.
I don’t really follow the bigger, famous bloggers, because I find them quite cold and detached from their followers. I try to read all the blogs I follow on Bloglovin, but there’s so many most times I read them if they have a new interesting post. One of the blogs I always go back to is Strikeapose, Mary and Rose are so down to earth, it’s always lovely to read through their blog. 

10. What is one thing that can put you off reading a blog?
The worst thing for me is when a blogger is very pretentious and doesn’t reply to comments. I always try to reply to everyone who comments on my blog because I appreciate they have taken time to read what I wrote, and it makes me feel special that someone actually reads my blog, so the least I could do is thank them for stopping by. Another things I cannot stand is when people can’t write at all. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect, but all bloggers (or at least most bloggers) are adults so I expect a certain level of language knowledge. 

11. What’s your view on high end products vs high street products?
I love a bargain, and I really don’t care if a product is cheap as long as it’s a good product.
I have always thought that logos and brands are just that, logos and brands. I would not buy certain high end products even if I could afford them. If something is really, really good though, or I really, really like it, then I will spend more for the product, but not just so I can say I have that product. I can think of only two high end products I own, one is Christian Dior’s perfume J’adore because I have been in love with that scent for about ten years and I only just got my first bottle, and the other is Estee Double Wear foundation, simply because it is the only foundation that can last a decent amount of time on my oily face.

12. What’s the worst beauty product you’ve tried, and why?
I try to look at the ingredients when buying shampoo and conditioner because silicons ruin my hair so much. At the end of last year I was stupidly tempted to buy L’Oreal Triple Resist shampoo and conditioner, as on the front of the bottle they were promising wonderful things for damaged hair. Yes, after the first few uses my hair was magically beautiful, so I kept using them and bought them again. Until my hair got worse than when I started, because that’s what silicon does. And it took me a hair cut and several overnight coconut oil masks to bring my hair back to a decent state. Never again! 

13. Name one beauty product that you couldn't live without.
Estee Double Wear foundation as it is the only foundation that can keep my face from getting oily and shiny. 

14. What do you do when you’re sad?
When I’m sad the best thing to do is curl up on the sofa with my favourite blanket, some chocolate, and my favourite blogs and Youtube channels! 

15. What is your dream job?
Growing up, I had a few dream jobs I wanted to do as an adult. One of them was being a journalist, and so many years and a University degree after, journalism is the only one that has survived my teenage dreams, and hopefully one day will become true. 

16. Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
I like all animals, growing up we as a family always had both dogs and cats. I personally would love to have a cat because they are so independent and tend to just mind their own business, but at the same time they’re always there for a cuddle. Whilst I find dogs a bit too over excited and I feel sometimes they can be a bit intrusive. However I do find dogs really cute and loving too, so maybe I am 60% cat person and 40% dog person. 

17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
Wouldn’t it be cool to live in London! Or Brighton, I love that place!

18. Do you have a dream wedding dress? If so, what is it like?
I have to admit I have been looking at wedding dresses and I have decide mine will have lots of lace, the colour should be ivory, and it will either be a princess dress with a big skirt or a less bulky dress but long at floaty. I don’t like siren dresses so much. 

19. What is your favourite film?
I have a few, Trainspotting, Edward Scissor Hands, and Goodbye Lenin.

20. Coca Cola or Pepsi?
I don’t really drink fizzy drinks, but sometimes I crave Pepsi. I don’t mind Coca Cola thought. 

Liebster Award

Hey Guys!

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! Woo, thank you Alex from Glitter and Cookies! 
So here it goes!

The rules of this tag are:
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you. 
  • Create 11 new questions
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and tag them in your post 

11 Facts About Me

Okay so Im going to cheat for this one and copy some from my 20 facts about me post. Im really not that interesting to be able to think of 11 more!

1. I apparently (I don't believe a word of it) sleep talk! Not just random words, but I supposedly decided to relay the days activities and events.

2. I have a scar on my left knee which I got quite a few years ago by thinking I was 'one of the lads'.
I was playing football on the field with my friends, it was muddy and raining and so much fun! When I eventually managed to score a goal, I decided it would be a great idea to get even more muddy and knee slide into a puddle of mud, which just happened to be full of rocks, sharp pointy ones!! I then had to walk the rest of the home with blood dripping down my knee, as my mum refused to let me in the car because I was lathered in mud!

3. I have a strange obsession with PILLOWS! I currently have 8 pillows around my bed. I only sleep on one, but I have to have all other seven around me! On the nights when my boyfriend isn't staying over I literally have to build a fortress of pillows around myself to save me from the monsters and of course the cold!!

4. My favourite drink in the whole world is strawberry milkshake! But not the silly real fruit stuff, no... It has to be the sweet sugary syrup kind, full fat milk, frothy and maybe even a big dollop of ice cream! Now that is a proper milkshake!!

5. If I ever go downstairs in the middle of the night, I have to sprint all the way back up to my room because I believe that the Frosties tiger is chasing me!

6. I think my favourite pudding is Lemon Meringue Pie, but it could be Lemon Love, or Lemon Drizzle cake. Well either way I love all three, probably in that order! I also love anything chocolate'y or cake'y!

7. I cant wait to get my own place! Theres not much more to it, I just cant wait! I love living at home, but I cant wait to be able to have my own place to call home!

8. I have a slight obsession with my dog, Daisy. You will regularly see her on my blog, twitter or instagram!

9. I am very broody! But I won't be expanding the family in the near future. I have made a promise to myself to live my life to its fullest and try to experience everything I want to before settling down and starting a family.

10. I am a proud member of Slimming World. I have always struggled with my weight so I joined back up last month to try and get that beach body we all desire!

11. Finally, I'm a secret Mummy's Girl. I would never admit to it, and for a few years I believed I was very independent and self reliant until last year when me and my boyfriend was booking a holiday. I had to ring my mum to ask her permission, just to double check it was all ok! haha! I have no hope in this world!

Alex's Questions for Me

1. Why and when did you start blogging?
I started blogging Monday 10th February 2014! So not that long ago. I have been following Zoella for about a year now and I always loved reading her posts, and I thought 'You know what, I could do that!' I thought it would be lovely to have my own little corner of the internet where I could just be myself, no one would judge what I wrote or think I was silly. I could be myself and that could be whoever I wanted to be! Still to this day only one of my friends knows about my blog, because I like that its just me and my own little world. Whenever I used to go on twitter on my personal account I would be wary of what to tweet incase it was judged or someone thought it was silly, where as on my blog twitter I can put whatever I want. 

2. What's your favourite clothing item and why?
Ooo, this is a tough one! Im suck between: my dressing gown (Its just so soft and comfy!), my new daisy print dress (This is probably my favourite outfit to wear out), and my bed top (Obviously I can't wear this or my dressing gown out, but this is my favourite cos as soon as I get home I just fling it on and I'm ready for the night, then add the dressing gown for snug'ness). 

3. Dresses or trousers?
Again, such a touch one! I wear my jeans everyday so I would say trousers but I love at the weekend being able to put on a little dress and feel so pretty! I think I will go with dress - as I have to wear my jeans all the time for work and I would love to wear dresses all the time!

4. Dream job.
Probably an Artist. I absolutely love Art, and if I was able to full fill it as a profession then I would be the happiest person in the world! But it's not really an idealistic job to have if you 
want a good life.

5. Would you rather go to the cinema or stay home with a book?
Cinema! I love going out to the cinema, I just love films !

6. Nude lipstick or red lipstick?
Nude, I dont wear lipstick often, but when I do my favourite colour is lip colour!

7. Do you collect anything?
The only things I really collect is receipts from restaurants or the cinema, or anywhere that me and Jase (The Boyfriend) have been or done. I keep them in a little keepsake box, and I'm currently trying to create a little memory book with all our photos and bits in.

8. The city or the countryside?
Countryside, you can't beat the smell and the views! I like to visit cities but I don't think I would be able to live there. I like a nice open field that my dogs can run around, when you can see for miles in every distance, see distant forests and woods. 

9. What can't you live without?
My Mum.

10. It's your day off: would you rather lay in or get up early to work out?
Lay in! Your not in the right mind if you wanna get up early to work out on a day off! My last day off was on Valentines day and we literally stayed in bed all day!

11. Favourite band/artist?
I have so many! My current favourite playlist is Rihanna - A mixture between her new album Unapologetic and her old album Loud. But my current cd in the car in One Direction Midnight Memories - Yes I know all the words to every song. I'm cool!

My 11 Questions

1. What Is your favourite film?
2. One beauty product you couldn't live without?
3. Favourite sandwich filling?
4. One thing that would put you off reading a blog?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
6. Chocolate or Sweets?
7. What three items would you chose if you was stranded on a dessert island?
8. Snog, Marry and Avoid - Channing Tatum, Will Smith and Harry Styles?
9. Do you have a celebrity crush?
10. Dream holiday?
11. What is your mental age?

My 11 Nominees

I wasnt too sure who to nominate so I have picked 11 of my favourite blogs!

Oh So Bridie
Describe the Sky
Dizzy Brunette
Ghost Parties
The Rose Garden
Guest Post
The Magpie Girl
A Little Boat Sailing
Touch Screen and Beauty Queens
Milk Bubble Tea

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

My Everyday Make Up Routine!

Hey Guys!


I thought I would show you how I do my everyday makeup. Baring in mind that I usually get up about 15 minutes before I have to leave the house, so I usually only have 5 minutes to do my make up.

I start off with a fresh clean face, my everyday routine is to just wash my face with cold water and then apply some of my Simple Oil Balancing Moisturiser. I don't have time to look after myself properly!

I then squirt three pumps of my Maybelline Fit Me foundation onto my finger tips. I rub my hands together so its on both hands and then I apply the foundation onto my face. I start of with my cheeks, then some on my forehead, then nose (I tend to wait a few seconds before the next part so the foundation has a moment to air through, and set a little bit). Then finally a big rub around, just like Im washing my face.

I know this isnt really the correct way of doing it and I do spend more time on my foundation when I am getting ready to go out and I have given myself enough time. But in a morning I don't really need full coverage on my face as I am only going to work and this is possibly the quickest way to do it!

Anyway, next stage is to get rid of the shiny bits. I think its due to having oily skin, but I can not stand having a shiny face! I use my Maybelline Fit Me pressed powder and my real techniques buffing brush just to go over my foundation and to give me a nice matt finish.

This is the point that daisy then decided to join me in getting ready, which made it very difficult to move around!

So next step is to apply some bronzer onto the contours of my face. I will be treating myself to a contour kit soon, but for the time being bronzer has to do! I use Rimmel London Natural Bronzer and my real techniques contour brush to do this. I started by going over my cheek bones, from the area near my ear down to my mouth but stopping a little before. I then added a little on the corners of my face, just to the sides of my eyebrows.

I then used my Benefit Coralista blusher and using the brush supplied added a little bit of colour over my cheeks. Again, following the shape of my face and starting from the side of my face level with my eyes and sweeping down.

PAUSE - for a little bit of daisy loving.

Her face looks strangely long!

Next is my eyebrows, I use a Rimmel London Brow pencil at the moment, but if you saw my February Pay Day post, you will see that I am going to be purchasing a brow kit, which I think gives a more natural finish. I just go along each eyebrow filling in where needed and creating a nicer shape. I personally don't like very defined and dark brows for myself so I tend to keep it quite light and soft just to add a little bit of definition to set the face off.

What is my hand doing here!?

I then go on to do my eyeliner, again because it's just a quick get ready this is done pretty quickly, no eyeshadow etc is needed because it is only for work! I use Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Eyeliner Pen. I start of from the inside of my eyes and then out to create a medium thickness line.

Finally, mascara! I use Maybelline Volum' Express - The Colossal Waterproof mascara. I have used
this for years and i've never found a better suited mascara to replace it with. It gives great length to my lashes and also after a few layers it gives a subtle thickness to them.

PAUSE AGAIN - More Daisy appreciation whilst I get dressed!

And (french accent) Vwa La! Finished and ready to go to work!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The Eye's Have It!

While i'm waiting for my other posts in the waiting to be ready I thought I would show you some images that have caught my eye over the past week. 

From Left to Right: Inspiring quote, Interlocking Hands, Rainbow Cake, Deer & a Bird, Bathroom full of plants,  Easter Wreath, Hallway Storage, DIY Wall Decor.  

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

February Pay Day!

So pay day is just round the corner and I like to break the bank within the first week so I thought I would show you all what Im planning on buying when that money makes its way over!

From left to right and then down.

1. Angels on Bare Skin - Lush.
I have decided I NEED this! I constantly suffer from oily/greasy skin so I thought I would have a shop around to find some products that might help and Im starting with this one. I never really thought to shop at lush for products other than bath bombs and bubble bars, but when I had a look I realised that they do some really good looking products!

2. H'suan Wen Hua - Lush
Another Lush product, as I said above I had a really good scout on Lush's website and decided I would get this hair treatment as I have really dry ends!

3. Bubble Gum Lip Scrub - Lush
I currently have the Popcorn Lip Scrub which I absolutely love, what a fantastic product! The only negative is the flavour/smell. I love Popcorn but I prefer eating it rather than putting it on my lips cos I want to try the Bubblegum one!

4. Grease Lightning - Lush
I saw this on another blog that I was reading, and her review seemed realy good so I want to get this to try it out for myself!

5. Tea Tree Toner Water - Lush
I saw this on Dizzybrunette3's blog where she had done a review, again I loved the review and thought I would try it out for myself. Apparently its really good for oily skin!

6. Sleek Brown Kit - Dark - Superdrug
Moving away from Lush... I normally just use a brow pencil to fill in my eyebrows, but when I tried a friends brow kit I preferred the softer look it gave, they looked more natural. So I decided I was going to try this kit. As you will notice I don't have a lot of money to waste on expensive products so all my make up will be high street/low budget!

7. Cocoa Brown Tan - Superdrug
I first saw this on Millie Mackintosh/Manderson's twitter when she posted a before and after picture of the tan. I have since seen a lot of good reviews about it! I am not a big fan of fake tan as it just seems to a big waste of time for a big waste of effort! They only tan I have is the St Tropez tan which takes like 6hours to develop and after using that once, on a sweaty summers day, I have bothered since! So when I saw that this is only one hour, it doesn't smell, and there is no streaks or orange'ness I thought I would give it a try.

8. Dorma Mirabelle Quilt Cover - Littlewoods
Finally, I have recently been redecorating my bedroom and I have chosen this quilt cover for my new look. I love it!

Hope you all liked this short but sweet post, let me know what you think, and if you want me to do any special posts.

Much love